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Preventing And Treating Maskne (Mask Acne)

Pandemic + masks = maskne. Most of us have experienced this in some way or another over the past few months. Let’s look at preventing and treating maskne (mask acne).


Spots can appear when our pores are clogged. This isn’t always the case and there are many factors to consider if you have acne. However, now that we have to wear masks often, it is important to let our skin breathe as much as possible. When you can, try to go makeup free when wearing a mask or at the very least, use a lighter coverage that usual. If you are able to go makeup free, then make sure to cleanse your skin before applying your foundation and also use a light moisturiser.

If you are like me, I don’t tend to suffer from many breakouts but I have really noticed how dry my skin has become underneath the mask. A good moisturiser an hour or so before using a mask has really helped me with this.

Preventing and treating maskne (mask acne) is sometimes easier said than done. We can sometimes try too many things which can cause more damage. Be careful not to over wash your face during these times. Over washing will cause your skin to dry out. Once you skin has started to become dry, the sebaceous glands kick in to produce more sebum (oil), which can sometimes once again cause a breakout. Sebum, when produced, mixed with the dirt from our environment and dead skin cells to then get trapped in our pores to create breakouts. A good product to use to counteract oily skin and regulate the production of sebum can be found here.


Leaving your skin alone, in my opinion is the best treatment. If you can, have a makeup free day or weekend. If you’re like me, you’re probably not going anywhere exciting over the next few weeks, so this is a good time to embrace the fresh face (only for a while – I promise….OK so I can’t actually promise that, I sort of thought this might already be over months ago!).

Try a gentle exfoliator to get rid of dead skin cells. I LOVE this one. Honestly, so so much. It’s gentle and really satisfying to use!

Hopefully, Covid will kick the metaphorical bucket over the next few months and then fingers crossed we can live like New Zealand and not wear masks, but for now, the best we can do is add a little moisturiser, go makeup free and do the best we can.

P -S remember to wash your mask after each use 🙂

Check out my professional makeup portfolio for great examples of natural skin and makeup.